All treatment is best provided as a package (a connection between all of the service offerings) as it allows for flow and continuous growth.

If you are not sure what program to select, I am happy to discuss this with you prior to your purchase.

Program 1 – Seeking Clarity

Introduction program includes card reading, reiki session and an intuitive counselling session with a combined coaching element for the development of ongoing strategies and education. Plus it includes a check in from myself in between sessions to debrief. Information on session outcomes and any further recommendations.

Includes 3.5 hrs in total (1 hour sessions plus emails, prompts and summaries of techniques) – $325

Program 2 – The Shift

This program helps you to stay aligned to your healing and goals, while also releasing any blocks. When one off treatments do nothing for you, and you desire to have a more directed wellness program for recovery & maintenance.

The program includes:

  • Initial card reading to check current energy and influences / blocks.
  • Reiki to clear and balance your energy and reinvigorate and reconnect you to a state of harmony with your body, emotions and soul.
  • Talk therapy to help acknowledge and clear any unresolved issues and used to also express your current desires and needs.
  • Creating a set of strategies and tools personalised to you, which would benefit your vibration and state of being. Allows your to take back your power and be your true self again.
  • Together we will create a long-lasting plan and I will also provide in between check in’s, evaluation and coaching.

Includes 5 hrs in total (1 x 5 sessions plus emails, prompts and summaries of techniques ) – $525